2001 – 2005
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow
BSc (Hons) Computing Science with First Class Honours and Distinction
First Year:
- Computer TechnologyA
- Fundamental ProgrammingA
- Discrete MathematicsA
- Professional Computing PracticeA
- Structured System DesignB
Second Year:
- Database Principles and PracticeB
- Objects and AlgorithmsA
- Operating Systems and ProtocolsA
- French Language for ITA
- Interactive Software DevelopmentA
Third Year:
- Artificial Intelligence 1B
- Component Based DevelopmentA
- Software Process ManagementB
- Degree ProjectA
Fourth Year:
- Artificial Intelligence 2A
- Honours ProjectB
- Interactive MultimediaA
- 3D Computer Animation & ModellingA
Langside College, Glasgow
Web-Design Module of HNC Computing
1996 – 2001
Mearns Castle High School, Glasgow
Three highers at grade A and one at grade B
Five Standard Grades at Level 1 and three at Level 2